Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital


Liverpool Heart & Chest Hospital, as part of an external audit exercise, was required to verify the floor areas to their various buildings, along with their usage, at the hospital. Due to localised alterations, their AutoCAD plans of the site and buildings were not a true reflection of the current configuration. Arcus Consulting were formally appointed to undertake full measured surveys and space verification works to hospital complete to provide accurate CAD plans and assist with area usage identification.

Arcus obtained the base Auto CAD information and, following assessment and liaison with the hospital about known deviation or changes, began the inspections. A programme of areas to be inspected was devised so the hospital could forewarn the occupants. It also allowed the occupants to request an alternative date or time to avoid disruption locally. By understanding the function of the hospital, Arcus were able to work flexibly with them. Following liaison with the Client we assisted by undertaking inspections out of normal working hours and during ‘cleaning days’ when spaces such as theatres or laboratories were not being used, so as not to disrupt the function or use of the area,

Having completed the surveys, during which the usage of the areas was clarified, the drawings were updated. The Gross Internal Areas were calculated in line with the current edition of RICS Property Measurement and the relevant area information provided for the auditors. An extract from AutoCAD plans, with dimension lines identified, was submitted to evidence the calculations. Following completion, the hospital requested that we be the sole manager of their AutoCAD plans. Arcus is advised of any changes to layouts/areas, and their usage, so that an up-to-date version of their buildings’ layouts is available at any given time.

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A design might look good on paper, but how it works in the real world is what’s important...

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